November 2022 Newsletter Article : Issues at Historic and Active Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Sites.


Land development at former and current oil and gas exploration and production sites raises the possibility of environmental and public health risks brought on by chemicals discharged into the environment because of these operations. More in-depth study into soil, groundwater, and surface water pollution prevention has emerged because of this. Resources such as air, water, and soil can get polluted with oil and gas wastes and byproducts in places where oil and gas activity are frequent.

The Issues:

  • Property owners, investors, and developers who want to develop these sorts of properties face environmental liability due to historic discharges from oilfield and gas field exploration and production sites
  • Transport of waste and/or petroleum – Transport accidents that result in spills, releases from oil and gas exploration and production, and releases from overfilled petroleum storage tanks, tank systems, pipes, and dispensers are all common causes of accidental petroleum spills and releases.
  • Drillers, residents, and nearby agricultural operations might face serious issues because of well failure at producing locations. Dangerous well blowouts can be caused by poor design, fractured casing, or poor cement work, and hazardous leaks from broken wells can happen even after the well stops production.

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