risk based corrective action blog

Risk Based Corrective Action for LPST Sites

In this  article, we’re diving into Risk Based Corrective Action (RBCA) and its application in the context of LPST (Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank) sites regulated by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). Let’s explore how these strategies can optimize cleanup processes.

What is Risk Based Corrective Action?

Risk-Based Corrective Action is a dynamic approach that tailors cleanup efforts based on the risks posed by contaminants at LPST sites. By combining scientific analysis with regulatory standards, RBCA offers a strategic and resource-efficient means to address environmental concerns.

Key Components of RBCA:

Site Characterization:

Begin with a thorough understanding of site conditions, contaminant characteristics, and migration pathways. This sets the foundation for targeted corrective actions.

Risk Assessment:

Assess risks by evaluating exposure pathways, contaminant toxicity, and potential impact on human health and the environment. This step guides decision-making in the cleanup process.

Remediation Goals:

Establish realistic remediation goals based on the risk assessment. This ensures that cleanup efforts focus on mitigating specific risks and protecting environmental receptors.

Our Approach to Compliance:

At CRG Texas, we specialize in developing and implementing RBCA strategies tailored to LPST sites. Our focus on efficiency and effectiveness ensures that your cleanup efforts align with regulatory requirements.

For any inquiries or further information, please reach out. Thank you for being part of the CRG Texas community!